Thursday, January 19, 2006

Um... perhaps I spoke too soon.

What a week this has been. Things have been SO crazy.

We'll start with the good news that kicked off this week.

I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it, I'm still in shock... I'm going to be a mommy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's the story:

I had a dr's appointment on January 3rd (another vaginal u/s and blood test, blah blah blah, I was getting sick of them)... it proved that I had ovulated, and I had JUST ovulated (so I'm guessing I O'ed on Jan 2nd). I was excited but nervous. I told hubby though not to expect anything, because this is the first time I've ovulated since we started TTC, and it's so rare that anyone gets it in their first try, you know? So I set myself to get ready to try again next month.

Last week, I think Wednesday, my temperature dipped. I went out with two of my friends that night who had both just had babies and told them that the clomid worked but I wasn't pregnant and we'd be trying again. On Thursday (sorry, TMI) I went potty and there was a spot of blood. Not just a tiny spot but not a lot either. I was sooo depressed, I took a hot bubble bath and told husband that I was getting my period and then started crying. He said not to worry, there's always next month.

Well Friday I braced myself for AF. She never showed, so Friday night I took a test (First Response - my ass!) and it was VERY clearly negative. So I thought to myself, okay if I don't get AF by Sunday morning, I'll take another test with FMU. Which I did. It was also First Response (grr) and also very clearly negative. So I sat back and waited for AF.

On Monday I went to work, blah blah, normal day, had a sandwich for lunch, and about an hour and a half after lunch, my stomach started hurting SOOOO bad. I was getting horrible heartburn or something, it SUCKED. So I actually went home a couple of hours early. I came home, laid in bed, read a book for an hour, got bored. I had posted my question on BNW the day before asking if anyone thought I still had a chance. I was very surprised that everyone had said yes. I had one test left in my bathroom, a digital one that had been sitting there for months. I took it because I figured, if I waste it, oh well, it's old anyway, and I'll buy more tonight. When it stopped flashing, I looked at it and for a second, I couldn't even register what I was seeing. All I saw was the word "pregnant"... i was thinking "where's the NOT?? It's supposed to say NOT!!" And then I stared shaking. And then I stared telling myself, there's no way, there's no way, there's NO WAY. And then I ran around looking for my digital camera to take pictures of it, and kicking myself for testing when my husband was at work.

I called Fuzz at work - he knew I had gone home sick - and I said "babe, I'm not sick." And he goes "you're not sick?" And I said, "no, I'm pregnant" and burst into tears. At first he didn't believe me but I was sobbing so then he was like, "oh my god, why are you telling me this NOW?" cuz he was stuck at work and he told me later that he was about to cry (aww)... I was thinking about driving up to his work to tell him (it's only 10 mins away) but I was shaking way too badly. So after that, I called and emailed all my friends. My parents were on a plane coming back from Vegas so I had to wait a few hours to tell them, then we told his parents when he got off of work. Everyone is SO excited, it's so fun!!!!

Anyway, I'm 4 and a half weeks. I had a blood test and my hcg was only 38 because I had found out I was pregnant SO early, so I have to go back next week for another blood test. If everything is progressing well, I get an ultrasound the week after that. The dr who has been treating me since we started TTC isn't an OB so she wants to make sure everything is fine with me before she sends me off to another dr. Hooray! I get to see my peanut. My husband is like a new man, he is SO happy. We both are. We're just thrilled. My EDD is Sept 25th, just days before my birthday. Yikes! I hope I don't spend my birthday in the hospital, LOL.

Wish me luck. :D


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