Friday, October 28, 2005

Me 2.0

My life is in crumbles! LOL I'm sorry to be so dramatic... and to keep posting horrible, miserable rants about how depressed I am about this that or the other. I'm normally a quite happy and up-beat person. But when I get frustrated or upset or angry or whatever, it helps a lot to write. So there you have it - that's why my virtual tears end up over here.

This week has S.U.C.K.E.D. I have been perpetually let-down nearly every single day. That's what I get for getting my hopes up, I just set myself up for failure every single time, without fail. Ha! That's kinda funny. Without fail, I will always fail. Titter titter.

So. After shoving Hostess cupcakes in my mouth and locking myself in the private bathroom at work to cry, I've decided to devise a game plan to improve my life next year.

I will get a new job. One that pays better, because we are broke. And one that is day shift, so that I can be on a normal person's schedule, and go to school. Which brings me to number two. Go back to school. I've only taken one semester off, but the way the classes are set up for next semester, I'd have to take another semester off as well because of the crappy shift I work. Unless I take day-time classes, which I kind of don't trust myself to take. But we'll see. I'll look into it. Anyway, once I have a solid outline for my game plan, I will have to pitch this idea to my parents, for I simply cannot pay for the classes on my own. I hate asking them for money, I really and truly hate it, especially after they've done so much for me and since my dad is still trying to make money at his new job, but maybe if I stick to Tri-C it'll be okay. We'll see. I'll ask for it for Xmas I think.

What do you think???


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