Saturday, October 08, 2005

I'm gonna do it!

And you can't stop me!

Perhaps I should give a little backgound on myself before preceding. It's extremely late (early?) here right now and I need sleep desperately, even if only to escape the loud snores coming from my husband as I type this.

Here goes.

I am 26 years old - just turned last week. I've been married for a little over a year. We have a puppy and two kittens that I got on a whim for my birthday. There's still a little hole in our hearts though. Just one tiny missing piece.

We live in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio. We have some great friends, and a supporting, loving family. We both work hard and don't make a ton of money, but we're alright. We're happy with each other.

But we'd be happier with a baby.

Everyone around me is getting pregnant and having kids. Isn't that just the way it goes when you make the life-altering decision to start trying to conceive (TTC)?? My husband and I have been trying for about 6 months now. I'm broken - I don't ovulate - so I have to take Clomid in order for us to have a shot. It didn't work last month, so we're trying it a second time this cycle, at a higher dosage.

So here's what I'm gonna do tho. The past week or so I've been having funny "symptoms." Now first of all, I took a home pregnancy test 10 days ago, becuase I had to make sure I was not pregnant in order to start taking Provera, which jump-starts my Aunt Flo, which I need in order to start taking Clomid. So, the stuff I'm experiencing could be due to the Provera, or ... you know. (Don't want to jiinx it!) I've taken Provera a few times in the past and never felt some of the things I've been feeling this week. So, I'm taking a test tomorrow morning. I already know that it's going to be a big fat waste of money, but I just have to know. Taking Provera while pregnant can result in birth defects, so just in case, I'd like to find out sooner rather than later. Even though I know that IT'S IMPOSSIBLE!! I'm broken, I don't work!!

Well it's getting later by the minute (..??) so I really need to get to sleep. It's so freezing in my room, I can't wait to cuddle up to Snoring Husband and wrap myself up in the down comforter we got for getting married (thank you, bridal shower) and fall fast asleep, only to wake up to the weekend! Good times.

I'll keep you all posted... even though you don't know me very well yet, I'm sure you're all very excited for me.



Nevermind. 'Nite.


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