Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Stupid boys.

Okay, so a few years ago I was in broadcasting school. Our class was pretty small, maybe 30 of us together for about 10 months. I was single at the time and formed a pretty decent-sized crush on this boy Zach. We were friends and all, and one day when we were chatting on AIM, I told him that I liked him. He responded by talking about the weather. I'm used to rejection since I'm not exactly pretty, but I was still upset. I couldn't face him in school afterwards and he said things to a mutual friend of ours about how that upset him because he still wanted to be friends with me.

While all of this was going on, I was actually friends with my future husband. It wasn't long after Zach shot me down that Fuzz and I started dating. Just a couple of months later we were engaged. Zach was really happy for me when he found out. We got past all the stupid junk and were friends for the remainder of the school year.

So now it's been a couple of years since graduation and I haven't been in touch with Zach since school was over. Then MySpace came into my life. Ahh, MySpace. I knew if anyone would be on there, it would be Zach. So I looked him up a couple of weeks ago and lo and behold, there he was. I sent him a friend request as well as a message simply saying "Remember me??" He read the message, but never responded - and he did not add me to his friends.

What gives???? I am really hurt that he would act like that. Please keep in mind that I'm 26 years old, happily married and have been for over a year and a half, we have a house and pets together and are trying for a baby, blah blah blah, so this has nothing to do with still crushing on some guy. The truth is, I really thought Zach and I could be close friends back in the day and I'd like to be able to have that with him. So it just kind of stung that he just ignored me like that.

Should I send him another message? Or just forget it?

I'm sorry, I know this sounds so pathetic, but I'm really a quite sensitive person who gets her feelings hurt easily LOL... I was about to post this question on a forum i visit often, but the people there can be ruthless and I don't want anyone to think I'm any less than completely devoted to my marriage and my husband. I would feel this way no matter who Zach was.

Ahhhh whatever.

Quick life update:

- I'm on my second-to-last day of Clomid. Woot. Gotta BD lots next week and keep our fingers crossed for quite a while.
- Still no job. Still doing the school thing. Thankfully Charlie is getting much better in regards to potty training *knock on wood* so it's a little easier for me to have time to myself.
- ummmm yeah that's about it.


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