Monday, March 13, 2006

Wow, it's been a while

Sorry, blog... I've been having a little love affair with MySpace. But you know I can't forget about you.

Anyway. Surprisingly - or maybe, not surprisingly? - not much has changed. Still unemployed, but I'm taking courses online in medical transcription. Fuzz is doing well at his new job. My unemployment is finally being approved. So that's good. And now we're nearly to the point where we can try to get pregnant again. Things are looking up.

I've gotten extremely close to Stephanie now, as well as this other girl from BNW named Heather. Oddly enough, they live about a town apart from one another, so I've got to find a way to get my ass down to South Carolina and hang with them.

Oh, and we got a new puppy. Argh, we are retarded. He's a baby Golden Retreiver, 3 months old, named Charlie. Skiba looooooooooves him. They play SO much. But I think Skiba still has some of that spoiled only-child mentality ... he gets very protective of his "things" when Charlie appears interested in whatever he has. So Skiba doesn't mind much when Charlie is locked up. But he does love to wrestle with him when he's out.

Anyway, that's about it....... I'll update more soon. Promise. ;)


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